K-12 Teachers are Burnt Out. What Can Help?

Chris Malone, Puja Bhojnagarwala, Jerene Goh, Ha-An Ngyuen Dalberg Advisors

Burnout has been found to affect 50–70% of educators in Asian countries. Yet, across South and Southeast Asia, less than 40% of teachers’ work hours are focused on direct teaching. Wise implementation of digital technologies by schools and government leaders can not only save time but also reallocate time to core teaching and learning activities. While digital tools, and now artificial intelligence, have long been touted as a panacea, their actual impact and understanding in the South and Southeast Asian context remain fragmented and under-explored.

To better understand how digital transformation impacts teachers and students, Google for Education (GfE), in collaboration with Dalberg, piloted digital transformation across eight countries in South and Southeast Asia over a period of four years (2020–2023) and surveyed more than 250 teachers and ~1000 students.

We found six key areas of significant impact, enabled and steered by three underlying drivers:

Please see the detailed report here 

We look forward to hearing your plans for ongoing digital transformation journeys in education. For comments or questions about the report, please contact Chris Malone (Chris.Malone@dalberg.com) or Puja Bhojnagarwala (Puja.Bhojnagarwala@dalberg.com).

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