Leveraging Covid-19 Investments to Strengthen Health Systems in Africa

A new report identifies six pragmatic actions that governments in Africa can take to build on the emergency response to the Covid-19 pandemic to strengthen their health systems over the long term.

African countries are at the starting line of what looks to be the largest and fastest ever roll-out of vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics in response to Covid-19. What does this mean for health systems after the crisis has passed?

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, and Dalberg sought to answer this question through discussions with over 30 experts involved in the Covid-19 response in Africa. These conversations focused on the specific risks and opportunities linked to the massive roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines and other health products on the continent.

Consultations confirmed a need to prioritize new long-term investments that are additional to ideas currently being discussed around health systems strengthening. The research identifies a wide range of investments for policymakers to consider, prioritizing six specific ideas that could both support the Covid-19 response and help build stronger and sustainable health systems in Africa.

The findings were discussed and further refined at a high-level virtual convening for health experts on June 3rd co-convened with Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Global Financing Facility. The key learnings from this session have recently been published by the five co-conveners in an Op-ed in the Mail & Guardian.

The full findings from the research, including the complete list of available options and further inputs from the convening participants, can be downloaded here.

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