How Wearable Technologies Can Drive Social Impact in Colombia

A new report by Dalberg Advisors highlights the potential impact the market growth of wearable technologies can unlock in Colombia, use cases that include reducing health insurance costs, providing more effective healthcare to older populations, and driving better public policy choices.


Dalberg’s Climate Commitment: An Update on Our Progress

Dalberg, a leading social impact advisory group, announced a ramping up of its Climate Commitment today, sharing the steps it is taking to reduce carbon emissions and counter the environmental damage of plastics.


Dalberg’s Climate Commitment: Our Journey So Far

We launched our climate commitment one year ago, on Earth Day in 2020. A year later, we proudly share progress in our climate journey — specifically, where we have adapted our approach and what we have learnt in the process, in the hope that others can learn from our experience.


Changing the Paradigm of Health Emergency Management

Dr. Abdoulaye Bousso, Director of the Senegalese Emergency Health Operations Center, discusses lessons learned from the pandemic in this interview with Dalberg.


Accelerating the Adoption of ODR in India Could Transform How Disputes Are Resolved in an Overburdened System

Wider use of online dispute resolution (ODR) in India could unlock US$26.5 billion in economic benefits annually, save time, and improve well-being, enabling positive outcomes for individuals (including the marginalized), enterprises, and the broader ecosystem.


Philanthropy in the Age of Covid-19

Foundations around the globe are making major shifts as a result of Covid-19, and the choices they make today will alter how they approach their work in the future. Four Dalberg surveys provide a snapshot of how philanthropies are navigating a pandemic in the midst of a multi-layered crisis.


Promising Results for Education in India from an Innovative Financing Mechanism

The world’s largest Development Impact Bond (DIB) for education has driven significantly improved learning outcomes for school children in its first two years. Its “pay for success” funding structure could pave the way for scaling education models post-Covid-19, and increase the life prospects for hundreds of thousands of disadvantaged children in India.


Building a New, Powerful, and Representative Anti-Slavery Movement Led by Women and Survivors

A bold new initiative piloting in India is unleashing the leadership potential of women and survivors, supporting them with the skills and networks needed to build a movement to end slavery in their communities and beyond.


Learning Twice as Fast: Promising Results for Education in India From an Innovative Financing Mechanism

The world’s largest Development Impact Bond (DIB) for education has helped drive significantly improved learning outcomes in its first two years. Its “pay for performance” structure could pave the way for scaling education models post-Covid, and increase the life prospects for children in poverty.


Dalberg Appoints Six New Partners

Spanning five global regions and with a diverse range of sectoral experience, we are excited to introduce the firm’s newest partners, elected in January 2021. Dalberg is thrilled to announce that six new partners have been named to the firm’s partnership group. As the most senior leaders in the firm, partners play a leading role…


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