Stanford Social Innovation Review Article: Shifting Power to Communities in Grant Funding

For all the attention paid to diversity in board and executive leadership, and who receives grants, another fundamental area of racial justice in the funding world is ripe for exploration: Who has decision-making power over where capital flows? This article in Stanford Social Innovation Review, co-authored by Dalberg’s Marcus Haymon, proposes that funders share decision-making…


How to Invest in an Inclusive Business Recovery in Latin America

The size and urgency of support needed for Latin American and Caribbean small and growing businesses (SGBs) amid Covid-19 recovery is considerable. The question becomes not whether funders should support small businesses but how. Dalberg Associate Partners, Kusi Hornberger and Fabiola Salman, outline four focus areas to help ensure maximum impact.


The Gambia’s Public Health Emergency Operations Center: Building Responsive, Sustainable Institutions for Covid-19 and Beyond

To address the current health crisis and better prepare the country for the future, Dalberg is working alongside senior Gambian government officials to set a new vision for the development of the country’s public health emergency management capacity.  


Providing Access to Safe Surgery for Millions Around the World

In 2015, the GE Foundation contributed $25 million to put safe surgery on the global health agenda. Working in partnership wtih Dalberg and other collaborators, hundreds of facilities and thousands of health workers benefitted from the groundbreaking initiative that spanned across five years.


Safe Hands: Launching a Multi-Stakeholder Coalition for Crisis Response

As Covid-19 hit Africa in March 2020, a solution was required to enable people to continue working safely — without jeopardizing their health or infecting others. That solution evolved into Safe Hands, a mission-driven alliance of African companies and community-based organizations focused on providing a first line of defense against the virus.


Charting a Path for Equitable Vaccine Distribution

Once a vaccine is available, who will get it first, and how will distribution take place? A new collaboration is launched to support the equitable delivery of Covid-19 vaccines in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).


The Role of African Philanthropy in Responding to Covid-19

A new report from Dalberg Advisors and the African Philanthropy Forum sheds light on how philanthropy in Africa is changing in response to Covid-19 and what steps are needed to drive a more effective response.  Philanthropists focused on Africa have stepped up their support for the people and communities most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic…


Fortifying India: The Impact and Potential of Food Fortification in India

Food fortification can significantly improve nutrition and health. In India, access to fortified milk and Vitamin D fortified foods, for example, has transformative potential for the 70% of the population that was suffering from nutrient deficiency before the Covid-19 pandemic, a number that has only increased over the last year. Food fortification is a scientifically…


Inclusivity and the circular economy: leaders convene at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) to discuss Africa’s post-Covid recovery

More than 5,000 business leaders, policymakers, and experts explored ways to bring about more sustainable consumption and production at WCEF Online.


Mobilizing capital for East Africa’s under-financed agricultural SMEs

Aceli Africa will mobilize $700M in lending through aligning capital supply and demand.


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