Opérationnaliser le Bureau d’Exécution Stratégique en Guinée (BES)

Un des enjeux majeurs du Gouvernement de Guinée est la mise en œuvre des projets. Le Bureau d’Exécution Stratégique (BES) de la Primature a été créé à la demande du Président Alpha Condé et du Gouvernement de Guinée pour assurer la mise en œuvre de projets de développement phares. La mise en œuvre opérationnelle du…


Faire de l’Enseignement et la Formation Technique & Professionnelle (EFTP) la clé de voûte de l’insertion des jeunes

Nous avons développé la stratégie de gestion de l’EFTP en Côte d’Ivoire pour en améliorer la réglementation et promouvoir le développement d’établissements privés de qualité. NOTRE APPROCHE Nous avons fourni à la Côte d’Ivoire un rapport combinant un plan stratégique et un plan opérationnel budgétisé pour améliorer la réglementation et promouvoir le développement d’institutions d’EFTP…


How entrepreneurship can improve the lives of women

New report highlights the critical role of entrepreneurs.


Creating new pathways to global supply chains for agricultural SMEs

Dalberg, IDH, and Unilever sign agreement to build capacity and open up new revenue streams for SMEs across Africa.


Dalberg Media

We are a mission-driven media consultancy aiming to increase awareness and mobilize partners and resources to the global development agenda.


Mass Entrepreneurship as a driver for mass employment

On 25 May 2019, an Op-Ed from Madji Sock, Dalberg’s Global Operations Partner, appeared in Jeune Afrique. The story focuses on job creation in Africa and the potential for ‘mass entrepreneurship’ – or the millions of ordinary, local businesses with the potential to create jobs at scale. The article originally appeared in French, and the English-translated version can be found here.


Plastics Pollution in the Mediterranean: Why a Life-Cycle Approach Can Help Shift the Tide

Dalberg co-authored a 2019 report on plastics pollution, ‘Stop the Flood of Plastic: How Mediterranean countries can save their sea’. In addition to sharing the scope of the challenge, we detailed the root causes of the issue, highlighting the policy interventions needed across the plastics value chain.


Design Principles to Narrow The Digital Gender Gap

There will be an expected 480 million smartphone women users in India by 2030, and the time to start designing digital solutions for them is now. To help address women’s specific digital needs, Dalberg’s Mumbai office hosted ‘Smartphone Solutions that Work For Her’, a three-day lab that culminated in an open workshop in April 2019.


Applying a gender lens to water and sanitation

This year, we’re celebrating International Women’s Day by sharing how we strive to apply a gender lens to every Dalberg project. Here is how we are applying it to our water and sanitation health practice area.


Understanding Indian sanitation workers, and finding solutions for their challenges

Dalberg’s five-part series in The Wire explores the situation of sanitation workers in India; their different personas, the challenges they face, and the techno-social-financial-policy solutions that are essential to overcoming those challenges.


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