Postcards from Climate Alumni

During a recent online event, five former Dalberg associates convened to discuss the experiences that drove and molded their commitment to climate action. Read on to discover the pivotal moments that set them on diverse paths, ranging from establishing environmentally sustainable startups to leading networks and initiatives dedicated to climate action and advocacy.


How Valuing Freshwater Resources Transforms Conservation Efforts

Water’s value is beyond measure, offering benefits to societies, economies, and ecosystems. Recognizing its various uses is pivotal to informed decision-making. A Dalberg report for WWF quantifies global freshwater’s direct and indirect values, highlighting often overlooked benefits.


Unlocking the Green Jobs Opportunity for African Youth in the Green Transition

Unlocking the green jobs opportunity for African youth is not just about environmental sustainability but also economic growth and social equity. By harnessing Africa’s potential as a leader in green growth, we can create a prosperous and sustainable future for the continent and the world.


Addressing Global Education Challenges

According to UN Statistics, the COVID-19 pandemic has compounded the challenges to achieving quality education, as outlined in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4. This has led to significant learning setbacks in 80% of countries. As of 2023, without further interventions, it is projected that only one in six countries will meet the universal secondary school…


Placing Girls’ Education in the Spotlight for a Brighter Future

In developing nations, investing in girls’ education is considered the world’s most lucrative investment, with far-reaching benefits. It not only contributes to economic growth and higher incomes but also has a positive impact on reducing infant and maternal mortality rates, child marriage, HIV/AIDS, and malaria incidences. Additionally, it enhances agricultural productivity, resilience to natural disasters,…


A New Development Finance Institution Collaborative for Equitable Health Emergency Response

While substantial resources were mobilized in response to COVID-19, the pandemic revealed critical shortcomings in the global health emergency response systems. High-income countries (HICs) consistently received life-saving tests, treatments, vaccines, and other supplies faster and at higher volumes than low- and middle-income countries (LICs and MICs): some LICs and MICs had to wait up to…


Unlocking the Potential of Consumers to Achieve 24/7 Carbon-free Energy

Businesses are often seen as the primary drivers in the journey towards cost-effective and sustainable decarbonization. Fortunately, the technology needed to empower consumers is readily available. Some promising solutions, if expanded, could significantly reduce household electricity consumption by a substantial 900 terawatt-hours (TWh), equivalent to 27% of total consumption.


How to Accelerate Digital Innovations for Women’s Reproductive and Sexual Health

Barriers to sexual and reproductive healthcare affect women all over the globe across cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, age groups, and sexual orientations. It is essential to address women’s reproductive healthcare comprehensively, covering access to abortion services, contraceptives, pathways to sexual and reproductive health services, and supporting frontline health workers, many of whom are women.


Dalberg at the United Nations General Assembly Week 2023

The theme of this year’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) aligns with Dalberg’s commitment to tackling pressing contemporary challenges: “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and sustainability for all.”


Building Bridges 2023: Innovative Financing for Impact at Scale in Education

During Building Bridges, the Education Finance Network hosted the only education-focused discussion, led by Charlie Habershon, Dalberg Associate Partner, with the help of the Education Outcomes Fund and iGravity, who manages the Impact-Linked Fund for Education.


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