
In an increasingly complex environment, with shifting geopolitical and economic balances, formulating the right strategy is crucial. We support organizations across private and public sectors to design strategies that will maximize their impact, either at the organizational level or for specific programs and markets. 

  • We define clear and compelling visions that are long-lasting, and allow for scale-up, innovation, and mobilization of stakeholders.
  • We create organizational strategies and disruptive business models that align our clients’ talent, financial resources, and partners with their goals and value propositions.
  • We support new initiatives and programs that have transformative value propositions by conducting detailed reviews of the space in which they operate and defining relevant positioning.
  • We devise implementation roadmaps that clearly pave the road for our clients’ new endeavors. Our unique, on-the-ground presence and networks allow us to provide operational guidance in complex settings.

Practice area lead: PAUL CALLANYANA KAKAR

Learn about our projects here.

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