Dalberg Announces New Research Business

Dalberg is proud to announce that Research Solutions Africa is joining the Dalberg Group as Dalberg Research, expanding Dalberg’s research capabilities. Research Solutions Africa, now Dalberg Research, brings 21 years of experience in primary research and has a strong commitment...

Meeting People Where They Are: Smallholder Farmers

There are an estimated 500 million smallholder farmers who live and work in low- and middle-income countries and are highly underserved by critical services. For example, lending currently reaches no more than 2% of demand contributing to low farm productivity. As a result...
Initiatives in Guinea

Delivering Key Government Initiatives in Guinea

Dalberg is working closely with the Prime Minister of Guinea to design, launch, and lead a Delivery Unit (DU) to improve delivery of key government initiatives. As part of the DU’s strategy to strength Guinea’s agricultural sector, Dalberg is supporting...

Meeting People Where They Are – Smallscale Fisherfolk

Ocean fisheries are one of our most important and resilient resources, yet they are in crisis. Nearly 40% of fisheries have collapsed or are overexploited, risking the livelihoods 350 million people, the food security nearly of 3 billion people, and...

The role of multi-stakeholder initiatives in promoting the resilience of smallholder agriculture to climate change in Africa

SMALLHOLDER FARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE Efficiency gains alone, by reducing food loss, increasing productivity and optimizing markets, have the potential to feed many of the additional two billion people expected worldwide between now and 2050. One billion of those will...

Meeting People Where They Are – Underemployed Youth

Of the 420 million youth aged 15 to 35 in Africa today, the majority are unemployed, discouraged, or marginally employed in informal sector, where jobs are typically less stable and have lower earnings potential. Women are particularly impacted, often facing even...

Meeting People Where They Are – Expecting Mothers

Expecting mothers struggle with access to quality information and care for their newborns. This contributes to a high number of infant deaths worldwide - as many as 2.8 million in 2013 - within the first 28 days of life.  Informing...
Entreprenuership + Big bet 17

Entrepreneurship and inclusive growth

Is entrepreneurship going to create the mass-scale jobs we need, or should we give up the notion that those that have the most reason to be risk averse should be the ones leading the charge on risk-loving new business ventures?...

Dalberg Data Insights is a 2017 WSIS Prize Champion

WSIS Prizes honor outstanding projects that leverage the power of information and communication technology (ICT) to accelerate socio-economic development. A Dalberg Data Insights project, Data4Good was selected as a 2017 WSIS Prize Champion. ABOUT WSIS  WSIS Prizes is a unique...

Accelerating affordable smartphone ownership in emerging markets

A GSMA and Dalberg report Global adoption of smartphones has grown at an extraordinary pace: today’s circa 4 billion smartphone connections are nearly double the figure of three years ago. This increase in smartphone ownership has been fundamental for enabling many people’s...
Dalberg hosts a private sector week in Dar es Salaam

Dalberg hosts a private sector week in Dar es Salaam culminates in Iftar dinner for 150+ business leaders

As part of a Private Sector Week organized by the Dar es Salaam office, Dalberg, The Africa List and the CEO Roundtable hosted an Iftar dinner tocelebrate Dalberg’s 10 years in Africa. The event kicked off a discussion on Tanzania’s...

“Day 1” philanthropy done right: an open letter to Jeff Bezos

On June 15, 2017, Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon, posted on Twitter a “request for ideas” for philanthropy. Rachna Saxena responds to his call for advice. Dear Jeff – Over the past 10 days, you have received over...

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