Minimizing the impact of the pandemic on India’s most vulnerable populations

During a crisis, the emphasis needs to be on including those who really deserve the help rather than making sure the wrong people are kept out.


Data against Covid-19: bridging access to critical information

Public health and government leaders are pressed to make unprecedented decisions at every turn in the fight against Covid-19. Yet informed decisions require access to the right data—which is often not available. A new toolkit from Dalberg Data Insights helps optimize existing data to aid leaders in making truly informed decisions.


Philanthropy in the era of Covid-19

Covid-19 is catalyzing a transformational wave of change across the philanthropic sector around the globe. A new Dalberg study presents early insights on the effects of the crisis on foundations, and the impacts their present-day response will have on the future.


A ‘big bet’ on irrigation for Kenya’s smallholder farmers

Smart solar irrigation helps farmers increase yields, resilience and income in the face of the dual challenges of locust infestation and Covid-19


Covid-19: mitigating the risk of future pandemics by changing our relationship with the natural world

Dalberg has co-authored a report with the WWF “Covid-19: Urgent Call to Protect People and Nature” that details the root causes of the Covid-19 crisis and points to a turning point where the relationship with the natural world must be healed if the risk of future pandemics is to be mitigated.


Galvanizing Kenya’s private sector to combat a global pandemic together

Through Safe Hands Kenya, all Kenyans will have access to essential sanitation supplies, plus access to consumer education campaigns aimed at driving adoption.


Inequity in Covid-19 testing in the US: how DC’s response to HIV/AIDS could help

Covid-19 is disproportionately impacting lower-income minority populations across the United States. In Washington DC, 46% of Covid-19 cases and 75% of deaths have occurred among blacks, who account for 44% of the overall population. Only 15% of cases and 11% of deaths are among whites who comprise 46% of the overall population.


Applying a gender lens to post-Covid economic recoveries: a spotlight on women-led businesses in Africa

For many African nations, women head up the SMEs that make up the fabric of communities and economies. More must be done to help keep their businesses afloat.


Shaping an equitable future for care workers in the US

How can we use the current focus on the care economy to take steps that lead to a more equitable future for childcare and home healthcare professionals?


Racism must end. We must do better, now.

We will work to build a more just and equitable future.


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