Assessing women’s financial inclusion in Nigeria

Unlike comparator countries in Africa, including Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda, Nigeria’s gender gap in financial inclusion is widening. CBN and EFInA (Enhancing Financial Innovation and Access), a financial sector development organization that promotes financial inclusion in Nigeria – observed...

Closing the Gaps: Finance Pathways for Serving the Missing Middles

Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) serve as the lifeblood of inclusive growth in emerging markets. Found in all sectors of the economy, they employ and target many markets that larger businesses either cannot serve or overlook. But when SGBs set...

Impact and Ikigai: A conversation with Yana Kakar, Dalberg’s outgoing Global Managing Partner

In 2013, the partners at Dalberg made an audacious-at-the-time decision to elect Yana Kakar as the firm’s Global Managing Partner. As a relatively less tenured partner, a woman, and pregnant with her first child at the time, she was not...

Dalberg Advisors Elects Edwin Macharia as Global Managing Partner

Dalberg Advisors, the leading global consulting firm specializing in inclusive and sustainable business, policy, and investment strategy, is pleased to announce Edwin Macharia as its incoming Global Managing Partner. Elected by the firm’s equity partners to serve a three-year term beginning on...

What are hidden data treasuries and how can they help development outcomes?

Cashew nuts in Burkina Faso can be seen growing from space. Such is the power of satellite technology, it’s now possible to observe the changing colors of fields as crops slowly ripen. This matters because it can be used as...

Youth NEET in Kenya: Understanding values, capabilities, and barriers towards achieving career and life goals

In Kenya, youth NEET – young people not in education, employment, or training – are among the most vulnerable, with few prospects for income-generating activities in the future.  Who are these youth, what are their challenges, enablers, and aspirations, and what would...

USAID’s Investment Support Program (implemented by Dalberg Advisors) creates Primer on Catalyzing Agricultural Finance

According to the World Bank, growth in the agriculture sector is two to three times more effective at reducing poverty than equivalent growth in other sectors. However, agriculture remains largely under-financed, with actors across the value chain chronically lacking the...

Press release: Cross-Sectoral Commitment from Four Leading Organizations to Achieve the Global Goals through a Gender Lens

NEW YORK, 26 Sept - Acknowledging the world’s insufficient progress towards achieving the 2030 Global Goals and determined to accelerate our collective efforts, the leading global impact business Dalberg, the Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the Indian not-for-profit Educate Girls and the UN Agency...
It’s About Time article

It’s About Time: the case for valuing women and girls’ unpaid care work

For more than three years, in partnership with clients including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dalberg has been researching the topic of women’s unpaid care work – the everyday household chores and tasks that include looking after children, attending to the...

Unpaid care work and women’s economic empowerment: An interview with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Keiko Valente

Dalberg has been working to understand the issue of unpaid care work for over three years, partnering with organizations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – which has a strategic focus on women’s economic empowerment in their gender equality strategy – to understand...

Smallholders on the world stage: how private investment can help secure our food future

  Smallholder farmers are critical to global food security and economic growth, but despite their importance, the private sector has largely overlooked this market given perceived risks and skepticism about their commercial viability as a market segment.  To make headway in...

L’entrepreneuriat de masse, moteur de l’emploi de masse

Cet article a initialement été publié dans l'édition du 25 mai 2019 de Jeune Afrique. Vous pouvez consulter l'article original ici. La récente levée de fonds de 100 millions de dollars par la startup Andela montre que les financiers internationaux...

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