The Pandemic in West Africa: An Opportunity for Compassionate and Effective Policy and Programmatic Response

To anchor future crisis response and recovery efforts around the needs of society’s most vulnerable, we partnered with OSIWA to capture human stories from the early days of the pandemic and back them up with data to provide helpful insights.  


Dalberg’s Climate Commitment: An Update on Our Journey to Net Zero

We’re sharing the latest on our journey to net zero, demonstrating both progress and key learnings since our 2020 climate commitment.


Catalyzing a Climate Community

No complex challenge can be faced alone — and as part of our climate pledge, we’ve partnered with a powerful group of climate-focused organizations to build and foster climate coalitions while strengthening our own actions and accountability.


Fulfilling the Promise of One Nation One Ration Card

India’s One Nation One Ration Card scheme was primarily created to provide food safety to migrant families but has yielded unexpected results, according to an extensive study we have released with the support of Omidyar Network India.


Helping Emerging Market SGBs Step up Their Game — And Increasing Employment Opportunities in the Process

Small and growing businesses create close to 60% of new jobs in emerging markets. Argidius, in partnership with Dalberg, explores how SGBs impact on livelihoods and economies could increase significantly if the organizations and funders that support them focused their programs on five key considerations.


After the Vaccines Arrive: Equitable Vaccination in Lower-Income Countries

As of early February 2022, high-income countries had achieved a vaccination rate of 72%, compared to just 5.5% in low-income countries. As the equity of vaccine supply across nations increases, more attention will need to be paid to another looming challenge: equitable vaccine delivery within lower-income countries.


Boosting the Tourism Sector and Biodiversity Protection: Creating a Stronger Link Between Travel Experiences and Environmental Outcomes

Countries are developing experiences that both conserve plant and animal life and encourage community development, giving hope that tourism could be an important frontier for the future of conservation efforts. Dalberg’s Devang Vussonji and Leonard Mungarulire explore how in a new article.


Adult Low Literacy: Opening the Book on America’s Silent Crisis

In the U.S., 43 million adults – nearly one in five – read below a third-grade level, and more than half of all adults read below a sixth-grade level. A new, comprehensive plan by the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, working in partnership with Dalberg, brings stakeholders together and offers hope for the future.


Digital ID in Nigeria: The State of the Industry

Nigeria’s digital economy is growing rapidly, contributing significantly to national GDP and productivity. Barriers to full economic and social inclusion are amongst the factors that jeopardize the system at scale. Dalberg examined the state of digital ID in Nigeria and makes a case for full coverage in this new report for VerifyMe Nigeria.


Dalberg Announces Four New Partners

Representing five Dalberg offices and a depth of sectoral experience, we are thrilled to announce the firm’s newest Partners, elected in January 2022. As the most senior leaders in the firm, Partners play a leading role in stewarding our mission and business, deepening and growing the firm’s impact, developing the next generation of development leaders,…


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