A World of Opportunities for Danish Businesses

Dalberg Media supported messaging, communications and the launch of the report ‘A World of Opportunities for Danish Businesses’.


UNLEASH: a global innovation lab for the Sustainable Development Goals

Dalberg Media looks forward to supporting UNLEASH 2019 in Shenzhen, China. UNLEASH is a global initiative envisioning to build the world’s leading platform for novel and scalable solutions to reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, leading up to 2030, 1,000 handpicked talents will come together for a 10 immersive days of co-creation, with the goal of developing smart, implementable and scalable solutions to the SDGs.


Sustainable Now: A Festival for the SDGs

Dalberg Media works with the association Sustainable Now to build public-facing festivals focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals in cooperation with local municipalities in Denmark. Sustainable Now puts the SDGs on the agenda in municipalities to increase citizens’ knowledge and commitment to the sustainable transition towards 2030.


Adopting a gender lens across all our work

Dalberg is increasingly striving to adopt a gender lens across all of our project work. In celebration of this year’s International Women’s Day, we share three recent project spotlights from across our portfolio of work, where adopting a gender lens has allowed us to drive value for our clients and deepen the impact of our engagements.

The outputs of these projects include: a guide on gender-sensitive service provision to smallholder farmers, a platform to increase employment opportunities for women in the creative industries, and a set of investment criteria that G7 development finance institutions can use to mobilize gender lens investing commitments and define eligible investments.


Aspiring Indians: new public data set and tool for improving financial health in India launched

Dalberg launched a public data set and tool to enable better design for financial health in India, in collaboration with The Centre for Social Behaviour Change at Ashoka University and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The project uses a unique multi-method research approach, incorporating human-centered design, cognitive psychology, behavioral science, and large-scale, survey-based methods to understand consumers in a comprehensive way.


7 design principles to create financial products for low-income consumers

Design principles are guidelines that consider the end user experience for a product. The seven principles in this set are illustrated to help deliver a financial product that meets the current and future needs of low-income consumers.


What else and what more, in the name of impact?

Letter from our Global Managing Partner, Yana Kakar.


How Development Impact Bonds work, and when to use them

If you’re considering DIBs, we have developed a checklist that uses ten screening criteria to help you refine your program design—or else determine that another results-based financing mechanism may be more appropriate.


Gender Lens Investing: Moving Beyond A Trend

Gender lens and gender smart investing has seen tremendous growth in the past several years – in the past year alone, the size of the public and private market has nearly doubled. There is clear investor interest in bringing a gender analysis into financial analysis. Yet despite this growth, some investors still question whether gender lens investing is simply the latest trend that will be set aside in the new year.


Dalberg to host State of Aadhaar Initiative

We are excited to announce that Dalberg Advisors is hosting the State of Aadhaar initiative for 2019 and 2020. Sponsored by Omidyar Network, the initiative aims to increase the knowledge base around India’s digital ID, Aadhaar.


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