Indian-Americans donate time, but could give more financially

Indian Americans volunteer at nearly double the national average but give substantially less financially. This means the Indian American community is leaving significant social impact on the table as Indian Americans are among the highest earning groups in the US...

Dalberg establishes an office in Rwanda

Dalberg is expanding work in Africa and is proud to announce that it has recently formalized its office in Kigali.   The Kigali office will work alongside Dalberg’s 23 presences worldwide to mobilize effective responses to complex global problems. "We...

Cleaning up cooking in urban Kenya with LPG and bio-ethanol

Today in Kenya, the majority continue to cook with dirty fuels - kerosene, charcoal, and firewood - which cause significant damage to health at a household level and the environment at large. In recent years, clean modern fuels, which significantly...

AIDA, the action insights data as a service platform, launches in 3 continents

We are launching a new and innovative Big Data platform in Uganda with UNCDF and Dalberg Data Insight. This will allow public authorities in the country to take better decisions and make stronger assessments. Think of using social media data...

Dalberg Data Insights Identifies Areas At-Risk for Food Insecurity using Mobile Phone Data

Widespread poverty in Uganda is closely related to food insecurity and malnutrition, with 36% of children in the country chronically undernourished or stunted.  For development actors to effectively respond to crisis, they must be able to understand which communities are...

Dalberg Data Insights’ Mobile Money Dashboards Promote Financial Inclusion in Uganda

“Development and testing was a crucial learning process for the entire team, seeing how big data can be used for our work. The collaboration with the DDI team, who always provided rapid updates to the dashboard, facilitated this process.” - UNCDF ...

New Yorkers’ contributions to a greener, greater city: a behavioral impact study

New York City is one of the first and largest cities in the United States to recognize the importance of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to commit to leading by example. In 2007, under the leadership of Mayor Michael Bloomberg,...

Millions of kids won’t be heading to university this year. Here’s what we can do about it

This fall, millions of students in the U.S. are preparing to go back to college. Yet young people from certain demographics, especially low-income youth and those whose parents didn’t go to college, are likely to be underrepresented in their ranks....

Dalberg Data Insights Predicts Zika and Dengue Outbreaks in São Paulo

Mosquito-borne diseases, like Zika and Dengue, now spread faster and farther, carried by people travelling long distances. These diseases constitute a threat to public health, with 746,000 reported cases of Dengue in Brazil in 2015 and over half occurring in...

Dalberg Data Insights Maps Urban Mobility across Haiti and around Kampala, Uganda

Today, over 50% of the global population lives in urban centers, and this proportion is projected to climb to 66% by 2050.  This population surge will predominately occur in developing countries with poor infrastructure, where cities already struggle to meet...

Dalberg Data Insights Protects Malaria-Free Zones in Zambia

Infectious diseases, like malaria, travel where we travel. This spread of disease can be deadly, with an estimated 445,000 malaria-related deaths worldwide in 2016. While mosquitos cannot travel long distances, we can. Further, malaria does not spread only from mosquito...

Singapore on track to become go-to city for innovative global solutions

This article was originally published in the Business Times.A thousand young people from over 110 countries are now in Singapore for UNLEASH Lab 2018. They are in town not just to add another notch in the conference schedule for which...

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