Leadership in the time of a pandemic

When it comes to finding solutions in a crisis, leaders who respond with compassion and empathy dig deeper. Dalberg Advisors Global Managing Partner Edwin Macharia shares more in Kenya’s Business Daily.


Covid-19 and the unprecedented opportunity for transformation in education

Distance learning strategies hold unmeasured potential to adapt current educational systems to incorporate often-neglected children, and could be a step towards better access and better quality education for youth in developing countries.


A shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) presents new opportunities for industry

As COVID-19 continues its spread globally, so too does the scarcity of essential medical supplies, in particular ‘personal protective equipment’ (PPE), an essential component in confronting any highly infectious disease. Current medical demand far exceeds availability.


Addressing women’s time poverty in India

Indian women do 10 times more unpaid care work than Indian men, and challenges related to COVID-19 have increased the burden on women by an estimated 30%. Dalberg built on its research on time poverty globally to make a case for a more equal and intentional distribution of unpaid work.


Strengthening the support system for Small and Growing Businesses in emerging economies

The Capacity Development Organizations and Technical Assistance providers that serve Small and Growing Businesses in emerging economies are at risk of failure. Dalberg partnered with the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) to uncover the scope of the challenges they face and spotlight the help they need. Articles in the Stanford Social Innovation Review and Impact Alpha share more.


This is what’s needed to keep medical commodity markets operating efficiently in a pandemic

The Ebola crisis provided a firsthand view into the stressors and breakdowns in procurement and supply chains under epidemic conditions. From assuring quality control to enabling distribution, learn about best practices gleaned from past epidemics that could help with the COVID response.


Tracking the crisis response in developing nations

A new Dalberg database spotlights the policies and measures governments are taking to control the spread of the pandemic and manage its impacts.


Five myths about impact bonds

With impact bonds gaining traction as a means of financing, there are many misconceptions and myths around them in the sector. Here are the truths that dispel those myths.


The Power of the Collective: Dalberg & the Launch of India’s Climate Collaborative

As the adage goes, alone we can do so little, but together we can do more.  The catastrophic physical hazards and socioeconomic impact of climate change in India has previously been addressed by numerous individual initiatives, but the efforts have been fragmented—until now.  More than 40 different organizations, including Tata, Mahindra, and Godrej, have joined…


Tanzania’s sunflower sector is paving the way for future industrialization and sustainable growth

Tanzania has the opportunity to strengthen a sector that can improve the livelihoods of millions of families, while improving domestic food security. Thanks to innovative shifts in country-level policy and a new framework for industrialization, Tanzania may soon become more self-reliant in the production of cooking oil and serve as a model for industrialization for…


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